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Community Co-Creation Sessions

The Urban Mapping Agency (UMA) hosts community co-creation sessions, uniting residents, local authorities, and stakeholders to brainstorm solutions for activating public spaces. With its interdisciplinary team's expertise, UMA directs sessions to shape a holistic vision of city dynamics and public space activation. Participants collaboratively prototype and experiment with temporary actions and urban art, revitalizing conflicted urban areas into lively community hubs.



Educational Outreach Programs

We create educational programs for schools, universities, and community centers to highlight public space potential. These programs offer lectures, seminars, and interactive workshops exploring social, cultural, and environmental aspects of public space activation. Guided city walks and site visits provide firsthand insights into urban development challenges and opportunities. 

Building Workshops for Institutions

We provides customized workshops for public and private groups involved in city planning. These workshops cover participative planning, temporary activation methods, and the power of urban art for community empowerment. Participants learn practical skills through hands-on activities and real examples, enabling them to engage with communities effectively and improve public spaces. 



Public Space Activation Festivals

The UMA collaborates with local artists, performers, and community organizations to orchestrate public space activation festivals. These vibrant events spotlight temporary art installations, interactive exhibits, live performances, and workshops, inviting residents of all ages to participate. 

Get to Know Us

The Urban Mapping Agency was created by a group of architects, urban designers, artists, and sociologists to support the creative process behind the activation of public space and re-signification of forgotten or conflicted places in cities. We have collaborated with a number of public and private institutions, as well as cultural centers and galleries in Colombia, Spain, Ethiopia, and Australia.

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